Life Coaching: Process and Cost

Life coaching is a partnership; you and I create a process together through which you can focus on what is actually happening for you, and what you want to create.

Most of our time in life is spent doing, or thinking about doing; we seldom give ourselves room to examine what is happening for us at a deeper level. We often resist looking deeper, keep our selves busy, filling up any stillness or silence with whatever we can find to push back uncertainty and the feelings that arise when we do not. Together we will create access to the still, open space inside you where you can stop doing and focus on discovering what’s here right now. From that space, you can make new choices: Who do you want to be from that place of stillness and wisdom?

Life coaching creates a structure that allows you to focus on the work you want to be doing.

(There is more on this on the How This Works page.)

The Details: Commitment and Cost

Life coaching processes range in length from three months to a year or more. The process generally begins with meeting 2-3 times per month for three months. Long-term processes usually become less intensive over time. Many of my clients work with me for a while, get what they need around a particular question, struggle or transition, take a break of months or years, and circle back when new things are up and they want more coaching.

Life coaching is often done by phone, but if you live in or near Portland, Oregon and would prefer to meet in person, we can meet in my home studio in outer SE (once the pandemic is controlled enough to make that safe again).

Sliding Scale

I do this work on a sliding scale because that feels like the best way for me to stay in integrity with my goal of offering my services to the people who want or need them without regard to resources, while still being able to pay my own bills. I trust you to be in integrity about where you lie in the ranges described. Where you lie may change from month to month. The world is an uncertain and changing place and I believe we all need to be able to adjust in response. That includes if for some period of time you need to drop below the lowest range, although if that’s necessary, please let me know.

The scale is:

$100 — $140 per hour: I am comfortably able to meet all of my basic needs—including food, shelter,  transportation, and healthcare.

$70 — $110 per hour: I may stress about meeting my basic needs but regularly achieve them.

$40 — $70 per hour: I often struggle to meet my basic needs and don’t always achieve them.

Pay What You Will: BIPOC folks are invited to pay what they will. (This is one way I can be part of creating reparations.)

Initial Three-Month Package

Life coaching is a relationship. In order to establish the relationship, and to get enough momentum to make significant shifts happen, the initial process requires a three-month commitment. This initial package includes:

  • A two-hour discovery session
  • Two hours of live (in person or by phone) coaching per month for three months
  • Some email support in between sessions.

The cost for the three-month package can be calculated by deciding on the hourly rate that works for you from the sliding scale, and multiplying it by 6. (The package is discounted from the 8 hours it includes.) You can pay in installments if you need to.

If you want to continue coaching beyond the initial package, payment is on a session-by-session basis at the appropriate hourly rate from my sliding scale above.

Curious? Try it out.

The way to know if what I bring is a good match for where you are and what you want is to try it, so I offer a free half hour consultation in which we talk about what you are wanting and what I bring, and do 15-20 minutes of coaching so we can see if it feels like a good match. If you are interested, please contact me.

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